Philobiblon: Net nuggets No 17

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Net nuggets No 17

* The new, improved Carnivalesque is up at The Cranky Professor. In its new format, this one focuses on ancient and medieval history, which will be alternating with early modern. Don't miss it - particularly the lewd Maygames.

* Do we need editors? The Guardian explores the history of the editor, and their modern disappearance. (And presents the interesting thesis that the rise of the "creative writing" course is actually the rise of the editing course.)

My view: I've worked with only one writer I can think of who didn't benefit from or need editing, and anything I write I hope someone will edit properly.

* Recovering the voices of the victims of the Inquisition, from The Telegraph:

A Sicilian palazzo once used as a headquarters for the Spanish Inquisition has been discovered to contain dozens of pieces of graffiti by "witches" condemned to burn at the stake.

* Theatre isn't what it used to be, in some past golden age, critics of all ages complain. Looking at this "special effects" wig, as used by David Garrick playing Hamlet, that might be a good thing. (From a discussion on the 18th-century list.)

* The Bodleian has an exhibition on music hall. Not exactly what you'd expect, but it sounds fascinating.

* Not new, but an interesting description of 18th-century Smithfield.

* What a good idea: the NHS is paying for people suffering from chronic medical conditions to buy and care for a dog. No doubt the curmudgeon class will complain (and this article is distinctly ambivalent), but it is not hard to see how this could both save the NHS a lot of money and prevent a lot of suffering.

* And finally a good laugh: a "public service" pamphlet on how to deal with the "epidemic of blog depression".


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