Philobiblon: International Women's Day

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

International Women's Day

Having been tied up with other things, I haven't managed to put together an appropriate post for International Women's Day, but then there's so many great ones out there I hardly need to.

So choose your reasons to say thanks to a feminist

or, check out some women's history links, or a selection of quotes.
(My favourite was Soujourner's Aint I a woman?. )

or, read the web edition of a book covering the History of International Women's Day.
(Hat-tip to Thoughts of an Average Woman.)

LATE ADDITION: Detrimental postulation has an excellent commemorative post on Alexandra Kollontai, the "the Bolshevik feminist writer, politician, activist and diplomat". Don't miss it, even though the poster is a bloke.

On that note I thought I should check my blogroll. There are as I write 183 blogs on it, of which about 60 are clearly written by women, about 80 by men, and the rest either joint blogs or written in a way that the gender of the blogger is not obvious. (I haven't gone hunting around to work it out if this is the case.)

That statistic surprised me a little, since I would have thought women would predominate, since my interests do have a distinctly feminist slant. But I think where the tilt towards men comes is bloggers about some of the obscure countries in which I have an interest, and also from people in interesting workplaces. (I don't have a female nurse or female doctor's blog for example - anyone know any good ones?)

So come on you women in farflung parts of the world and in interesting jobs - blog away!


Blogger Audrey Roy Greenfeld said...

The males who like things with a feminist slant are the interesting ones. I think that's generally true for fruit; for people it's probably similar.

3/08/2005 07:26:00 pm  

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